When it rains…

I started off this year with one show for sure in mind: the revival of last year’s HEDWIG & THE ANGRY INCH. And I was Very Excited about Hampton doing one of his dream roles in OTHELLO at the same theatre the month before because it meant I got lots of wintery, hibernatery alone time.


Fairly early on in OTHELLO, their Cassio had to drop for health reasons. I joked I should go in — a pretty person manipulated by a jerk played by my husband? Hilarious, in context.

Then, the night before their fancy fundraiser invited final dress, the replacement Cassio then dropped for… personal reasons.

I got an email from the stage manager — who was my Anybody’s in the WEST SIDE STORY I shouldn’t have done a decade or so ago [that’s a whole other post waiting to happen] and called Hampton “Mr. Ann Davis-Rowe” when they first met at an audition last year [so we doubly love her] — calling my bluff from several weeks earlier because the first person they asked to jump in couldn’t do one night. So of course I agreed to do the one performance. What a great story that would be!

Well, when we get to rehearsal that night, the fill-in Cassio who couldn’t do Saturday night because of his anniversary suddenly said he couldn’t do that Sunday because of a tech rehearsal for which he was doing sound.

…And then he realized there was a second weekend. When he was, you know, also scheduled to run sound.


Anyway, so that’s how I went in for a major male Shakespearean role, iPad in hand, two weekends in a row. Two local theatre directors with whom I am only vaguely connected had the most lovely things to say, which was especially gratifying to this musical theatre actor. My iPad mini case looks like a composition book and fits in my back waistband when not needed, so apparently it was easy to forget I had a script in my hand. And Thao mentioned how resonant I sounded which is possibly the best compliment from an opera singer from whom I occasionally get vocal coaching.

[And if you want some of that snark, buy me a drink in person.]

Immediately following OTHELLO, I did a staged reading of an all-femme RESERVOIR DOGS, also at Camel City Playhouse.

RESERVOIR DOGS is Quentin Tarantino’s 1992 debut — a violent and angry script led by an all-star cast doing some killer (no pun intended) work. As a college gal in the late ‘90s whose friends were either drummers and/or stoners, my sober, conservative self went to a LOT parties with RESERVOIR DOGS on in the background, so when asked to do this reading as Mr. Orange (one of my two fave roles) with one of my favorite local actresses as Mr. White (the other best role) and a cast of other heavy-hitters, I couldn’t say no.

Two weeks after that reading, it was time for HEDWIG Take 2.

I didn’t write at all about this special little show last year — and I’m still not sure I have the words. Third time’s the charm?? ‘Til then, let me share this link: https://www.onstageblog.com/columns/2015/6/16/yitzhak-teaching-the-human-heart-by-redefining-gender-identity

As much as I grew up hating pink, there is no doubt in my mind I am female. When I was first asked to play Yitzhak, a male former drag queen, last year, I was a bit confused — I knew the OG Yitz was a gorgeous and hilarious cis woman married to a dude, but I didn’t realize the Broadway and original tour actor was as well. And both ladies played TV roles I absolutely love: Miriam Shor as the delightfully dry boss in YOUNGER and Lena Hall as the hauntingly traumatized showgirl in SNOWPIERCER.

Much like RESERVOIR DOGS, HEDWIG pulls at my delicate sensibilities while being a glorious and dark example of beauty. I am so honored to have been asked *twice* to share this story with my ridiculously talented leading person, Ethan. While too young for the role, years-wise, Ethan has lived a lot and perfectly embodies the strength and tragedy and art that is Hedwig. I so love them and their fiancé Brandon, our director, and I am So Glad I said yes.

all by Neil Jester

SO — all of that, and we weren’t even to Q2 of 2024. I aim for maaaaaaaybe three shows a year these days, so… is this it? Perhaps. I was trying to decide between two auditions this spring — and then we decided to go to Italy! More on that soon. And as for other stage stuff….. who the heck knows. Stay tuned.

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